
Milonga del Angel - December

Milonga del Angel - December

The only regular milonga in Budapest with live music at Art's Harmony Studio!
Music by the Tango Harmony Budapest Argentine tango orchestra, or guest musicians and the best Hungarian or foreign guest djs.


Current events

21.00 - 00.30 - Milonga del Angel - every Tuesday evening at Art's Harmony Studio!
- during about from 9:30 p.m - concert

We look forward to seeing you all!

More information at Art’s Harmony Studio (direct street entrance opposite of Kis Salétrom Street) or on our facebook site or website.
At the location you are required to wear changing shoes!
The organizers reserve the right to change the program!


Az Őrült Nők Ketrece egy olyan hely, ahol mindenki az lehet, aki. Vagy épp az, aki lenni akar. És ha…


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